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Managing online/asynchronous trainings

Explore the resources available for online/asynchronous trainings on the platform.


Multi-format content

Online/asynchronous trainings make it possible to make content available in a variety of formats, such as videos, SCORMS (slides), PDFs, among others, allowing for a dynamic and engaging learning experience. Students can access these materials from any internet-connected device, providing flexibility and convenience.

Structure by modules

Each training is made up of one or more modules, which serve as the fundamental structure of the course. Each module can address a specific topic, ensuring a logical and organized progression of content. The combination of all the modules forms the complete training, providing a comprehensive learning experience.

Satisfaction survey

Trainings can include a satisfaction survey, which aims to measure the level of student satisfaction with the course. This survey covers various aspects, such as content, format, didactics, among others, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of the student experience.

Interactive assessment

In addition to the satisfaction survey, trainings can include interactive assessments. These allow you to assess the student's understanding of the content covered.

Certificate of completion

On completion of a training, the student can receive a certificate of completion. This certificate recognizes the student's effort and commitment to learning, providing tangible recognition of their achievements. The platform has a standard certificate, but you can insert a personalized one to match your company's visual identity.


Dashboards provide an overview of trainings and satisfaction surveys, helping you make decisions and monitor student progress.

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