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Create, edit or delete online/asynchronous training

Online/asynchronous trainings consist of content made available on the platform in formats such as videos, SCORMS (slides), PDFs and more. Students can access them from any device connected to the internet.


To register an online/asynchronous training, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Trainings in the main menu

  2. Click on the Online/Asynchronous submenu

  3. Click on the + New training button located in the upper right corner

  4. Fill in the required fields, as instructed below:

Training (mandatory)

Enter the training title.


Enter a brief summary of what will be covered in the training.


Insert the training code, if you already have one registered in another system or in a report, to assist in the control/indicators.

Id Video Description

Enter the ID.

Certification (mandatory)

Select the desired option to attach the certification.

Profile (mandatory)

Select student profiles.


Select the company the training is linked to.


To configure the training assessment, select one of the available options:

  • Test per module: for each module, there will be an evaluation.

  • Not to have test: there will be no evaluation.

  • Test at the end of the training: at the end of the modules, there will be an evaluation of the training. In this case, the evaluation must be registered in the first module, but will be displayed to the student only at the end of the last module.

Release Module

To configure module release for the student, select one of the available options:

  • Free: the student can freely access all modules at any time, without the need to follow the predefined order.

  • After Finalize Previous: the student can only access the next module after finishing the previous one.

  • After Previous Approval: the student can only access the next module after completing and passing the previous module's evaluation.

Content Model

To configure the content model adopted, select one of the available options:

  • Fixed Content (Static): the course content is already 100% prepared when the training is created, with no new modules added after it has been created. In this model, the student receives the certificate (if applicable) when they have completed all the training modules.

A course on a company process that is already structured and will not be updated with new topics.

  • Incremental Content: the course content will be developed during its execution, i.e. new modules will be included over time, incorporating new content into the training. In this model, the student does not receive the certificate (if applicable) when they complete the modules, as new modules will be added to the training periodically.

A course on a technological product that will be updated with new features. The training expands as the product evolves, necessitating the continuous construction of the content in parallel with the development of the product.

When finalizing the training content while in Incremental Content mode, it is necessary to edit the training and change the Content Model field to Fixed Content (Static), so that the student receives the certificate (if applicable) on completion of all the modules.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Select the option Yes if there is a need for a satisfaction survey, or No if there is not.

If the option Yes is selected, the field below will be enabled:

  • Description Customer Satisfaction Survey (mandatory): enter the description of the satisfaction survey, which will be displayed before the questions. We recommend that this field explains the reason for the survey and/or provides an introduction to the questions the student will be answering.


Select the option Yes to allow students to comment on the training or its modules, or No not to allow it.

Hourly Load Certification (mandatory)

Enter the duration that will appear on the certificate.

Hourly Load

Enter the same duration entered in the Hourly Load Certification field. It serves for reports, therefore, to calculate the total hours of consumption of the content, considering, for example: duration of the video, reading time of some written material, etc.


To configure the generation of the training certificate, select one of the available options:

  • After Evaluation: the student will receive the certificate after completing time in all modules and taking the knowledge assessment(s).

This option can only be selected when the Test field is not selected with the No to have test option.

  • 100% progress: the student will receive the certificate after completing the time in all modules.

If there is an assessment for this training, the student will receive the certificate regardless of whether the assessment is completed.

  • After Search Filled: the student will be considered approved and will receive the certificate only after completing the time in all the modules, carrying out the knowledge evaluation(s), if any, and answering the satisfaction survey.

This option can only be selected when the Customer Satisfaction Survey field is selected with the option Yes.

  • Without Certificate: so that the certificate will not be generated for the student.

There is a track with 10 trainings. If you do not want 1 certificate to be generated for each training in the track (that is, 10 certificates) and only 1 certificate to be generated after the conclusion of the whole track, you must select the Without Certificate option in the Certification field for each training in the track.

To insert the image of the personalized certificate after creating the training registration, go to Insert certificate for online/asynchronous training.

If you don't insert the image, the platform's default certificate will be used.


Select the categories you want to link to the training. They must be previously configured.

Automatic advance in modules with video format

Select the Yes option so that, when a video is finished, the student is redirected to the next one automatically, or No so that the student selects the next video manually.

Automatic registration release

Select the option Yes so that when the student requests enrollment on the platform, it is released automatically or No so that the enrollment is released by the administrator.

Standard enrollment validity days

Enter the enrollment validity in days so that when the student is enrolled, the system calculates the enrollment validity days from the date of the request. If there is no validity, enter 0.

You can set the validity days at the time the student is enrolled. However, if this setting is not available, the validity days set in the Standard enrollment validity days field in the training registration will apply.

Certificate validity days

Enter the number of days the certificate is valid for. If there is no validity, enter 0.

The certificate will expire at the end of the defined period, counting from the date of issue.

30 days before expiry, the student will receive an e-mail informing them of the impending expiry. In addition, they will be automatically re-enrolled in the training, with progress restarted, so that they can complete it again and issue a new certificate.

The re-enrolment history can be consulted in the Re-enrollment History report.

Notification of enrollment

Enter the corporate e-mail address of the person responsible for receiving (re)enrollment notifications.

Notification of doubt about evaluation/content

Enter the corporate e-mail address of the person responsible for receiving notifications of doubts about assessment/content.


Select the option Yes if the training is mandatory (located in a specific tab in the student's view) or No if it is not mandatory.


If you wish, select up to 5 knowledge that are related to the training.

Selecting knowledge allows students to carry out self-assessments at strategic moments, evaluating their progress before and/or after training.

After selecting the knowledge, the Self-assessment field will be enabled, allowing you to configure when self-assessments will be available:

  • Pre: the student will carry out only 1 self-assessment and it will be available as long as the training has not started.

  • Post: the student will carry out only 1 self-assessment and it will be available after the training has been completed.

  • Both: the student will complete the 2 self-assessments described above.


Select the Enabled option so that, when the training registration is completed, it will be possible to enroll students in it, or Disabled so that, when the training registration is completed, it will not be possible to enroll students in it.

  1. Click Save to register the training record

  2. Configure the training modules

To edit the registration or delete a training, locate it in the list, click on the Select option, click on the To Change option and on the screen that opens:

  • To edit, change the desired fields and click Save.

  • To delete, click on the 🗑 icon located in the upper right corner.


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