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Correct complementary material for online/asynchronous training module

In the module evaluation, the student can send material for the administrator to correct and grade.


When material is sent for correction, the system will notify you in the Approval Requests icon in the top bar of the platform.

Another way to check if a material correction is pending is to follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Trainings on the main menu

  2. Click on the Online/Asynchronous submenu

If any corrections are pending, a Complementary Material Correction! notification will appear on this screen.

Alternatively, you can check whether there is a material correction in this way:

  1. Click on Trainings in the main menu

  2. Click on the Online/Asynchronous submenu

  3. Search for the desired training in the Research bar in the upper right corner

  4. Click the Select option

  5. Click the List Module option in the list

  6. Search for the desired module in the Research bar in the upper right corner

  7. Click on the Select option

  8. Click on the Complementary Material Correction option in the list to go to the correction page

In the three ways above, the system will redirect you to the correction page.

The correction page will show the name of the student who sent the file, the file, the date, the format, the status and the grade.

When you see the warning Wait for student to send for correction, it means that the student has attached the material, but has not yet sent it for correction.

To correct the material, follow the steps below:

  1. Find the material you want to correct

  2. Click on the Select option

  3. Click the Correct option in the list

  4. Assign the grade for the material in the Material Grade field


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