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Configure campaign

The gamification of Kubo by NDD allows the creation and management of specific and customizable campaigns, with the addition of phases for a more structured experience.

Each campaign can be divided into several phases, each with its own date range, rules and points.

The solution makes it possible to create campaigns with dynamics aimed at specific audiences, with personalized content and visuals according to the theme chosen by the company.

In addition, each campaign has a specific ranking, which reflects the performance of the participants.


Kubo by NDD offers 13 pre-established campaign dynamics, called rules:




Pass the knowledge assessment

By passing the training's knowledge evaluation, the student will receive points.

Ser aprovado na avaliação do conhecimento.png

Complete training

By completing the training, the student will receive points.

Concluir treinamento.png

Complete recurrent training modules

By completing all the currently available modules of a training with incremental content, the student will receive points.

Concluir módulos de treinamentos recorrentes.png

Comment on training

By posting the first comment in the training or in a a training module, the student will receive points.

This is not cumulative.

Fazer comentário em treinamento.png

Reply reaction evaluation

By answering the training satisfaction survey, the student will receive points.

Responder avaliação de reação.png

Get top score in knowledge assessment

By scoring 100% on the training's knowledge evaluation, the student will receive points.

Obter nota máxima na avaliação do conhecimento.png

Publish photo

By changing the default profile photo (set up when the student is created on the platform) for a new profile photo, the student will receive points.

This is not cumulative.

Publicar foto.png

Finish podcast

By completing the podcast, the student will receive points.

Concluir podcast.png

Complete training within 1 week

By completing the training within 1 week, the student will receive points.

If the rules Complete training within 2 weeks and Complete training within 3 weeks are configured for the same training, the student will also receive points from them.

Concluir o treinamento em até 1 semana.png

Complete training within 2 weeks

By completing the training within 2 weeks, the student will receive points.

If the rule Complete training within 3 weeks is configured for the same training, the student will also receive points from it.

Concluir o treinamento em até 2 semanas.png

Complete training within 3 weeks

By completing the training within 3 weeks, the student will receive points.

Concluir o treinamento em até 3 semanas.png

Attendance in-person/synchronous training

By assigning attendance at in-person training, the student will receive points.

Presença treinamento presencialsincrono.png

Sending complementary material

By sending complementary material in the module, the student will receive points.

Envio de material complementar.png

To create a new campaign, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Campaign in the main menu

  2. Click on the + Create Campaign button in the top right-hand corner

  3. Fill in the necessary fields, as instructed below:

Campaign Banner (mandatory)

Upload the campaign banner image, respecting the accepted formats.

The banner will be displayed to the student in the Active campaigns section of the Start tab.

Campaign Cover (mandatory)

Upload the campaign cover image, respecting the accepted formats.

The cover will be the image that identifies the campaign card in the Campaigns tab of the student's view.

Title (mandatory)

Enter the title of the campaign.

Description (mandatory)

Enter a brief summary of the campaign.

Phase (mandatory)

Enter the start and end dates of the campaign phase.

To add more phases to the same campaign, click on the + Add phase button. The phases will be numbered Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3 and so on.

The campaign can be made up of several phases. As time progresses, students unlock and view the rules of subsequent phases, allowing you to structure long-lasting campaigns, divided into stages, with a focus on instigating the participating players and increasing engagement throughout the campaign.

The campaign must have at least one phase.

Each rule should be linked to the respective phase, so we recommend planning and distributing the learning items by phase first, assessing the degree of difficulty of each one.

Good practice:

  • Recommendation 1: properly balance the number of learning items per phase, also considering their complexity.

  • Recommendation 2: the tie-breaking criteria should also be thought of in the context of phases, since a certain criterion can seal the player with the best chance of winning the campaign from the outset.

Rule (mandatory)

Configure the rules that will make up the campaign:

  • Rule: select the desired rule, as described above.

  • Training/Podcast/Module: select the training, podcast or module - depending on the rule selected - that will be covered by the rule.

  • Points: enter the number of points that will be awarded to the student when they comply with the rule.

  • Badge: enter, if you wish, the personalized image (such as trophies or medals, for example) for the rule, which will be displayed on the student's dashboard.
    If no image is entered, the standard badge of the rule shown above will be used.

  • Phase: select the phase to which the rule will be linked.

To add more rules to the same campaign, click on the + Add Rule button.

Tiebreaker Rules (mandatory)

Define the order of the tie-breaking criteria between the students by selecting the following options:

  • Response in oldest reaction evaluation: prioritizes the student who responded to the first satisfaction survey before the others.

  • Oldest rule completion date: prioritizes the student who completed the first rule before the others.

  • Enrollment in oldest campaign trainings: prioritizes the student who enrolled in one of the trainings first.

These criteria will be used to define the position in the ranking in the event of a tie.

Reports available for auditing the ranking:

  • Gamification Ranking: displays, in descending order of position in the ranking, the date and time at which each tie-breaking criterion was met.

  • Gamification Detailed Ranking: displays, in descending order of position in the ranking, the date and time each rule was met.

Start Date/Start Time (mandatory)

Define from what date and time students will have access to the campaign and start scoring points, aligned with the start of the first phase.

The points earned while the campaign is active will be recorded in the Campaign score in the student view.

End Date/End Time (mandatory)

Define the closing date and time for the campaign, aligned with the end of the last phase.

After this date, students will no longer be able to accumulate points, but the points they have already earned will remain recorded in the student view's Accumulated score.

Prize (mandatory)

Enter a brief summary of the campaign award.

Campaign Background (mandatory)

Upload the campaign's background image if you wish, respecting the accepted formats.

The background will be the background image when you open the campaign card in the Campaigns tab of the student view.

If you don't want to insert a custom background, select a predefined background in the field below.

Predefined Campaign Background (mandatory)

If no custom background is entered in the field above, select one of the predefined backgrounds.


Select the profiles of the students who will take part in the campaign.

If no profile is selected, the campaign will be applied to all profiles.


Select the companies of the students who will take part in the campaign.

If no company is selected, the campaign will be applied to all companies.

Mandatory Campaign for All Students

By checking this option, all students will be automatically enrolled in the campaign, according to the profiles and companies selected above. As soon as the student complies with the campaign rules, they will automatically start scoring points.

By unchecking the option, students in the profiles and companies selected above will need to request to be enrolled in the campaign. Until they do, they will not score in the campaign, even if they comply with the campaign rules.

  1. Click Save to register the creation of the campaign

After the start date and time, students will begin to score in the campaign according to the rules configured.

Enable the Campaigns and Gamification sections, as instructed at Configure account, so that students can access the campaigns and track their progress, respectively.

To edit the registration or delete a campaign, locate it in the list, click on the Select option, click on the To Change option, and the screen will open:

  • To edit, change the desired fields and click Save.

  • To delete, click on the 🗑 icon in the upper right corner.

If a campaign is deleted, all the points accumulated by the students during the campaign will also be deleted.


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