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Configure account

Account settings allow you to make general adjustments to how the platform works.


  1. Click on Settings in the main menu

  2. Change the desired fields, as instructed below:

Platform name (mandatory)

To change the platform name.

Sender email

It sends a copy to the completed email address. This e-mail must be registered in the field:

Send email response to

It sends a copy to the completed email address. This e-mail must be registered in the field:

Instructor's e-mail address

It sends a copy to the completed email address.

CCo e-mail address

Send a copy to the e-mails informed, being e-mails referring to the registration request, change of password, need for support, among others.

We suggest registering the e-mails of the employees responsible for managing the team/company training platform.

To register more than one email, separate them with a semicolon (;).

E-mail Interest

The responsible person who will receive the satisfaction survey.

Certificate generation doubt email

It sends a copy to the completed email address.

Average for approval

It is the standard approval average for all training registered on the platform.

CPF Required

When the option is checked, filling in the CPF will be mandatory in the registrations.

Login type (mandatory)

For the login to be carried out only by email, only by CPF or by email and CPF.

Automatic Release of External Registration

When the option is checked, the administrator does not receive registration requests to approve. This option is useful when there is a large volume of registrations, but there is a risk of not having control over the users who will have access to the contents.

Password Expiry (days)

For security reasons, it is possible to fill, in days, the expiry of the password. At each period of time filled in, the user will have to reset the password. When filled in 0, the password never expires.

Request for updating registration after (days) of absence

After the set number of days without accessing the platform, the student will be asked to access the My data menu the next time they log in. In this menu, they will have to check their registration information and, if necessary, update it.

Certificate Orientation (mandatory)

It will be the format in which the certificate will be made available, whether horizontally (Landscape) or vertically (Portrait).

Display in index

Select the functionalities that will be displayed in the student view:

  • Library: the Library tab will be enabled, allowing students to access active materials that match their profile.

  • Campaigns: on the home page, there will be a section with the banners of the active campaigns, so that the student can be directed to the desired campaign by clicking on the banner. The Campaigns tab will be enabled to access the details of active and completed campaigns.

  • Categories Trainings: on the home page, there will be a section with trainings organized by category.

  • Categories Tracks: on the home page, there will be a section with tracks organized by category.

  • Continue where you left off: on the home page, there will be a section for trainings that have been started but not yet completed.

  • Student Dashboard: on the home page, there will be a section showing information from the student dashboard (number of trainings, tracks, microlearnings, webinars and podcasts completed, as well as the average score of all the knowledge assessments carried out). Access to the Dashboard menu (by clicking on the profile photo) will remain visible even if this option is not enabled.

  • Gamification: on the home page, there will be a section to present the summary and activities relating to gamification.

  • Microlearnings: on the home page, there will be a section with the microlearnings in which the student is enrolled. The Microlearning tab will be enabled to access all the microlearnings corresponding to the student's profile.

  • Podcasts: on the home page, there will be a section with the podcasts in which the student is enrolled. The Podcast tab will be enabled to access all the podcasts corresponding to the student's profile.

  • Next registrations to expire: in the Trainings and Microlearning tabs, students will be able to view trainings with registrations that are close to expiring.

  • Next certificates to expire: on the Trainings and Microlearning tabs, students will be able to view trainings whose certificate expires in 90 days or less.

  • Trainings: on the home page, there will be a section with the online/asynchronous trainings in which the student is enrolled. The Trainings tab will be enabled for access to all online/asynchronous trainings corresponding to the student's profile.

  • Desirable training: on the home page, there will be a section with trainings that are not mandatory.

  • Mandatory training: on the home page, there will be a section with trainings that are mandatory.

  • On-site training: on the home page, there will be a section with the in-person/synchronous trainings in which the student is enrolled. The Trainings tab will be enabled for access to all the in-person/synchronous trainings corresponding to the student's profile.

  • Tracks: on the home page, there will be a section with the tracks in which the student is enrolled. The Tracks tab will be enabled to access all the tracks corresponding to the student's profile.

  • Webinars: on the home page, there will be a section with the webinars that have already taken place. The Webinar tab will be enabled for access to all webinars, both past and future.

For example, if you don't use the podcast functionality, don't include it in this field. This way, it won't be displayed in the student's view.

Then order the sections that will be displayed on the Start tab of the student view according to the fields selected above. Set the display order based on the desired priority.

View Categories In (mandatory)

It is mandatory that the Block option is selected, since the List option is temporarily unavailable.

Hide grade for student (mandatory)

To hide or not hide the student's grade. This option will be reflected in the training evaluation configuration, when selecting account settings.

Internal Training Page Template (mandatory)

Select the desired option from the two layouts available for the internal training page:

  • 0 - A: the list of modules is on the right-hand side of the content.

  • 1 - B: the list of modules is below the content.

Redirection After Student Login

It is possible to insert the page that the student will be directed after logging in. If you want the student to be directed to the main page, the training page or any track, just copy the address after in the URL and paste it.

Description Customer Satisfaction Survey

To enter a standard satisfaction survey description.

Code Javascript

If you need to embed the platform with Javascript code.

Suggest training based on category

When the option is checked, the internal training page will display four suggestions of other trainings in the same category, if they exist, for the student to request registration.

Suggest podcasts based on category

When the option is checked, the internal training page will display four suggestions of podcasts from the same category, if they exist, for the student to request.

Vimeo Authorization Bearer

Fill in both fields to use your Vimeo account if you wish. This way, when you upload a video to a training module, it will be sent to your Vimeo account.

Vimeo User ID

  1. Click Save to register the changes


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