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Managing gamification

Gamification consists of applying game dynamics to motivate students to actively participate in trainings. By incorporating elements such as competition, challenges and rewards, gamification makes the learning process more attractive and fun for students.


Kubo by NDD offers two types of gamification, each with different characteristics and functionalities:


This is the basic gamification mode.

It can be activated with predefined start and end dates and applies to specific student profiles.

By configuring the rules of this gamification, you can activate or deactivate them, assign points to participants and determine which trainings will be included.

Only one gamification can be active at a time.

This modality will be deactivated from 10/30/2024.


This is a more advanced and customizable modality.

Each campaign has its own start and end dates, and can be customized with visual elements such as banners, covers and backgrounds.

The rules and scores are adjustable for each campaign, allowing different trainings to have varying scores.

It is possible to create several campaigns simultaneously, offering more detailed customization for each profile and training.

Gamification and Campaign can be configured and applied together, but one is not directly dependent on the other.



Students feel more motivated to actively participate in trainings.

Information retention

Gamification helps reinforce learning and information retention.


Elements of competition and collaboration promote teamwork and cooperation between students.


Consult the documentation available for managing gamification:


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