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Gamification from the student's view

By setting up gamification, the student will have robust access to track their progress.


In the Start tab, the student will find the following information:



Reflects progress in trainings configured as mandatory, calculating an average level of completion.

By clicking on There are X pending mandatory trainings, the student is directed to the page of all mandatory trainings, making it easier to identify and complete them.

Accumulated score

Sum of the score for all the trainings already completed by the student.

This score includes active and completed campaigns.

Campaign score

Sum of the score earned in active campaigns in which the student is participating.

Points from campaigns that have ended due to their closing date will only be included in the Accumulated score.


The student's ranking in the .

The student's position in relation to all the other students in the learning environment who have already taken part in a gamified action, i.e. their ranking in the Accumulated score.

To view the position in the ranking of a specific campaign, the student must view the campaign details.


Displays the badges of the last 5 campaign rules that the student has completed. When you click on Access dashboard, all the achievements completed will be displayed with a grouping meter.

Achievements in the General campaign indicate compliance with the rules of the old gamification (inactivated), while campaign achievements are identified by the name of the campaign.

By clicking on Access dashboard, the student will see all this information, as well as accessing the dashboard.

In order for the student to view this information, the Campaign Dashboard section must be enabled, as instructed at Configure account.


In this section, it is possible to follow the complete history of students' achievements, in order of completion, allowing everyone to follow each other's progress, as well as enjoy the achievements.

By clicking on Access activities, the student will see the history of the last 30 days.

In order for the student to view this information, the Campaign Dashboard section must be enabled, as instructed at Configure account.


Displays the number of trainings, tracks, microlearnings, webinars and podcasts completed, as well as the average score of all the knowledge evaluations carried out.

This data covers all trainings, regardless of whether they are linked to gamifications or campaigns.

In order for the student to view this information, the Student Dashboard section must be enabled, as instructed at Configure account.

Active campaigns

Displays the banner of all active campaigns. You can navigate between campaigns using the side arrows.

Clicking on a banner takes you to the campaign details.

Clicking on All campaigns takes you to the campaign cards in the Campaigns tab.

In order for the student to view this information, the Campaigns section must be enabled, as instructed at Configure account.


Student view of the Start tab


In the Campaigns tab, the student will see the cards of all the campaigns, with options to filter between active and finished. Each card shows:

  • Campaign cover, title, description and closing date.

  • The student's percentage of progress in the campaign.

  • The student's position in the campaign ranking.

By clicking on See more information, the student will access a detailed view of the campaign, such as the start and end date, the pahses, the details of the awards, the participating students, their ranking and their score so far.

The tabs opposite show:


All the campaign rules and the corresponding points.

By clicking on Detail, the student will see in detail the points earned for each rule:

  • 🔒: no requirements of the rule have been met.

  • 🔓: at least one requirement of the rule has been met. For example, there are 2 trainings set up for the same rule, and at least one has already been completed.

  • ✅: all the requirements of the rule have been met.


The 10 best scores in the campaign so far, in descending order.

In the event of a tie, the ranking will follow the order of the tie-breaking criteria defined in the campaign register and presented to the student in the Tiebreaker tab.


It shows the tie-breaking criteria between the students defined in the campaign registration.

These criteria define the position in the ranking in the event of a tie.


Student's view of the details of a campaign

Below the general campaign information, it is possible to view all the trainings and/or podcasts that are part of the campaign.

To make it easier to identify a gamified training, in addition to being listed in the campaign details, a badge will be displayed both on the training card and on its internal page.

The badge will be visible for as long as the training is accumulating points, i.e. for the duration of the campaign phase it is in.

In order for the student to view this information, the Campaigns section must be enabled, as instructed at Configure account.


By clicking on their profile picture and selecting Dashboard from the list, in addition to the information on the initial tab, you will be able to see all the achievements you have made and the number of times each has been achieved.


Student view of the Dashboard menu


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