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OBS Studio

The Kubo platform requires a program that streams the webinar. We recommend using the free streaming software OBS Studio.

Download OBS Studio from, run the file, install it on your computer and open the software.

Some important functions of OBS Studio:


This refers to what will be shown to the student.

Several scenes can be set up, such as a waiting screen, a content display screen and a closing screen.

In the bottom bar, click the icons to set up the scenes.


This refers to where the information for each scene will be retrieved.

In the bottom bar, click on the icons to configure the fonts.

Audio Mixer

This refers to the computer's output audio (Desktop Audio) and computer's input audio (Mic/Aux).

You can adjust the volume of both audios via the scroll bar below each one, as well as muting or setting them via the icons beside them.


  • Start Streaming will start streaming the webinar.

  • Stop Streaming (which will appear instead of the Start Streaming button after clicking it) will end the webinar transmission.

  • Studio Mode will enable the Preview and Program tabs, to perform preview and screen transition. The Program tab displays what is currently being transmitted in the student's view and the Preview tab displays the preview of what will be transmitted next. By clicking the Transition button between the two tabs, what was in the preview will be displayed in the program.

  • Settings will open a new window.

    • In the Stream menu the communication with the Kubo platform will be configured. Configure it as follows:

    • In the Hotkeys menu you can configure the hotkeys to operate the OBS Studio, including to start and stop the transmission.

When starting the transmission, in the right corner of the bottom bar of the software it will be shown how much CPU is being used and the fps. The lower the percentage of CPU usage, the lower the possibility of a problem with the computer hardware, and the higher the fps, the lower the possibility of packet loss.

Next to the CPU and fps, a green, yellow or red indicator will appear. If it is green, it means that the transmission is proceeding normally and no packet loss is occurring. If it is yellow, packet loss is occurring, which can compromise the quality of the transmission. If it is red, transmission is not taking place because of connection loss.

High quality transmission demands a lot from your computer. We recommend that you use a computer with a good CPU and good quality internet.


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