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Create, edit or delete track

A track is the grouping of several trainings that have content related to the same topic.

This structure makes it possible to organize and offer a logical sequence of learning on a specific subject, making it easier for participants to understand and develop in a given area of knowledge.


To register a track, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Trainings on the main menu

  2. Click on the Tracks submenu

On the next screen, you can view the list of registered training tracks, with the code, track name, the trainings that compose the track, and the profile covered.

  1. Click on the To Register button icon located in the upper right corner

  2. Fill out the necessary fields, as instructed below:

Track (mandatory)

Enter the title of the track.


Insert the track code, if you already have one registered in another system or in a report, to assist in the control/indicators.

Description (mandatory)

Enter a brief summary of what will be covered in the track.

Training (mandatory)

Select the training(s) that will be part of the track.

Profile (mandatory)

Select the profile(s) of the students.

Release of this track

Select the Free option so that the student can freely access all of the tracks at any time, without having to follow the predefined order, or the After Finalize Previous option so that the student can only access the next track after completing the previous one.

Training Progress

Select the Fixed option so that the student receives the certificate when he/she finishes all the trainings in the track, or the Recurrent option so that the student does not receive the certificate when he/she finishes the trainings, as new trainings will be periodically added to the track.

When you finish the content of the track when you are in Recurrent mode, you must edit the track and change the field Training Progress to Fixed so that the student receives the certificate when he/she finishes all trainings.


Select the category(ies) you want to link to the track.

Automatic registration release

Select the option Yes so that when the student requests enrollment on the platform, it is released automatically or No so that the enrollment is released by the administrator.

Standard enrollment validity days

Enter the enrollment validity in days so that when the student is enrolled, the system calculates the enrollment validity days from the date of the request. If there is no validity, enter 0.

You can set the validity days at the time the student is enrolled. However, if this setting is not available, the validity days set in the Standard enrollment validity days field in the track registration will apply.


If you wish, select up to 10 knowledge that are related to the track.

Selecting knowledge allows the student to carry out self-assessments at strategic moments, evaluating their progress before and/or after the track.

After selecting the knowledge, the Self-assessment field will be enabled, allowing you to configure when self-assessments will be available:

  • Pre: the student will carry out only 1 self-assessment and it will be available as long as the track has not started.

  • Post: the student will carry out only 1 self-assessment and it will be available after the track has been completed.

  • Both: the student will complete the 2 self-assessments described above.


Select the Enabled option so that, when the track registration is completed, it will be possible to enroll students in it, or Disabled so that, when the track registration is completed, it will not be possible to enroll students in it.

  1. Click Save to register the track record

  2. Configure the trainings that will be part of the track

To edit the registration or delete a track, locate it in the list, click on the Select option, click on the To Change option and the screen will open:

  • To edit, change the desired fields and click Save.

  • To delete, click on the 🗑 icon located in the upper right corner.


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