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Configure track trainings

The trainings that will be part of the track are assigned in the respective track's registration.

The settings for the tracks' trainings are used to define how the trainings should be released to the student during their completion:

  • whether the student can only access the next training in the track after completing the previous one, according to the order configured

  • whether the student can freely access all the trainings on the track, without following a specific sequence

  • whether the training will be released by the instructor or the administrator

This setting must be made for each training session in the track.


  1. Click Trainings in the main menu

  2. Click the Tracks submenu

  3. Search for the desired track in the Research bar in the upper right corner

  4. Click on the Select option

  5. Click on the Configuration Training option in the list

On the next screen, you can see the list of trainings that make up the track.

  1. Search for the desired training in the Research bar in the upper right corner

  2. Click on the Select option

  3. Click on the Configuration option in the list

  4. Select the desired option in the Release of this training field, being:

  • After Finalize Previous: the student will only be able to access the next training after finishing the previous one, according to the order configured.

  • Free: the student can freely access all the trainings at any time, without the need to follow the pre-defined order. 

  • Instructor Released: the instructor or administrator releases the training by changing the option to After Finalize Previous or Free.

  1. Click Save to register the training configuration


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