Share webinar recording
After holding a webinar on the platform, you can share the recording with other participants or interested parties.
This feature is ideal for extending the reach of the content presented, ensuring that the knowledge is accessible even to those who were unable to participate live.
If the View recording field is set to Yes when registering the webinar, the recording will automatically be available directly in the student's view, according to the entry and removal dates and times defined, making it easy to access and consult later.
Click on Trainings in the main menu
Click the Webinar submenu
Search for the desired webinar in the Research bar in the upper right-hand corner
Click the Select option
Click on the To share Recording option in the list
The page containing the video recorded during the webinar will open.
Copy the link displayed in the browser's URL bar and share it with anyone you wish.
Good practice:
Make sure you only share the link with authorized people, especially if the content is confidential or restricted.
When sending the link, include a brief introduction contextualizing the webinar and highlighting the main topics covered.