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Operate webinar

When the webinar takes place, it is necessary to operate its execution.


  1. Click on Trainings in the main menu

  2. Click on the Webinar submenu

  3. Search for the desired webinar in the Research bar in the upper right corner

  4. Click the Select option

  5. Click the Operate Webinar option in the list

On the next screen, you can manage the operation of the webinar.


Access to the chat history of the students and the moderator.

To send messages to the chat as a moderator, type the desired message into the field below the chat and click Send.

To hide a message from the student's view, click the hide button ⊘ on the message. To make it visible, click the message's hide button ⊘ again.

To edit a message in the student view, click the edit button ✎ of the message. When you click this button, on the right side a field will be enabled to make changes to the message.

Online spectators

The amount of students who are consuming the webinar in real time.

Elapsed time

The active elapsed time of the webinar.

Enable Webinar / Disable Webinar buttons

When it is enabled, students will be able to access the webinar.

When the webinar is over, click the Disable Webinar button.

Enable Questions / Disable Questions buttons

When it is enabled, students will be able to answer the satisfaction survey registered for the webinar, if any.

Upon answering the questions, the certificate will be available for download in the student view.

When you finish the webinar, click the Disable Questions button.


In the student view, it is indicated to use the hashtag to ask questions to the instructor.

When the student asks a question with the hashtag, that question will be highlighted in this operation field.

You can hide, edit or delete the question using the icons next to the respective question.

Student history

At the bottom of the page, you will see the history of students who have consumed the webinar.

When the status is ONLINE, the student is consuming the webinar in real time; when it is OFFLINE, the student is in and out of the webinar.


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