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Change language

The Kubo platform is available in three languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish, both in the student view and in the administrative view.

The language is set when the user or student is created, but can be changed later.


To change your access language, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on your name in the top right-hand corne

  2. Click on My profile

  3. In the Language field, change to the desired language

  4. Click Save to register the change

The platform will reload and the language will be changed.

To change the language of another administrator user, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Administration in the main menu

  2. Search for the desired user in the Research bar in the top right-hand corner

  3. Click on the Select option

  4. Click on the To Change option in the list

  5. In the Language field, change to the desired language

  6. Click Save to register the change

To change a student's language, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Students in the main menu

  2. Search for the student in the search bars by name, CPF, code or e-mail (we recommend searching by registered e-mail)

  3. Click on Search

  4. Locate the student in the list, click on Select and click on To Change

  5. In the Language field, change to the desired language

  6. Click on Save to register the change

The student themselves can change their language by accessing the platform in the student view.


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