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Batch enrollment by company and/or student profile in tracks

All students linked to companies and/or student profiles will be batch enrolled in the tracks.


To batch enroll students, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Students in the main menu

  2. Click the List All Student Enrollments button icon located in the upper right corner (first icon)

  3. Click the List Enrollment Trail in Batch button icon located in the upper right corner (fourth icon)

On the next screen, you will be able to view the list of batch enrollments registered for trails.

  1. Click the Enroll button icon located in the upper right corner (last icon)

  2. Fill out the required fields as instructed below:

Title (mandatory)

Enter the title of the license plate in batch.


Select the desired company(ies), and all students linked to the selected company(ies) will be considered in the batch registration.

If a student profile is selected in the field below, all students in the selected company(ies) that correspond to the selected profile(s) will be considered for the batch registration.


Select the student profile(s), and all students linked to the selected profile(s) will be considered in the batch registration.

If a company is selected in the field above, the batch registration will consider all students linked to the selected profile(s) who belong to the selected company(ies).


Select the expiration date of the track license plate(s) or keep it blank.

Track (mandatory)

Select the track(s) you want to batch enroll students in.

Send email

Check the box to send students notification of enrollment in the track(s), or leave the box unchecked to not send the e-mail.

To link all students registered on the platform in batch registration, keep the Company and Profile fields blank.

  1. Click Save to register the students' batch registration

At this point the students selected in the registration (by the Company and Profile fields) will be automatically enrolled in the track(s) also selected in the registration, as well as future students to be enrolled that are linked to the company or profile.

To delete a batch enrollment, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Students in the main menu

  2. Click the List All Student Enrollments button icon located in the upper right corner (first icon)

  3. Click the List Enrollment Trail in Batch button icon located in the upper right corner (fourth icon)

  4. Locate the enrollment in the list

  5. Click the Select option

  6. Click on the Delete option in the list

When you delete a batch enrollment, the system will also delete all the student enrollments that were made on the tracks registered in that batch enrollment.

To change or insert the validity of the batch enrollment of the track(s), follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Students in the main menu

  2. Click the List All Student Enrollments button icon located in the upper right corner (first icon)

  3. Click the List Enrollment Trail in Batch button icon located in the upper right corner (fourth icon)

  4. Locate the enrollment in the list

  5. Click the Select option

  6. Click on the Change the Validity option in the list


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