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Access company dashboard

The dashboard presents information on student enrollment in the company's trainings, providing easy visualization and aiding decision-making.

In addition, the dashboard allows you to issue reports with specific information, providing detailed analysis and insights into the company's trainings.


  1. Click on Company in the main menu

  2. Search for the desired company in the Research bar in the upper right corner

  3. Click the Select option

  4. Click on the Dashboard option in the list

On the screen that opens, you can view all the information related to the enrollment of students in the company's trainings during the selected period.

To change the search date, enter the desired dates in Start Period and Period End and click Generate report.

Below, in the cards of each information, click VIEW REPORTS to view in detail the information. In the report, you can:

  • Search for more specific information in the Research bar located in the upper right corner.

  • Sort the columns in ascending or descending order by clicking on the title of the column you wish to sort.

  • Export the report in CSV and/or Excel by clicking on the buttons located in the upper left corner.


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