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Special characters in accented words in CSV reports


When downloading and opening reports in CSV format in Excel, words with accents are replaced by symbols or special characters.


This failure occurs due to an incompatibility in the character encoding between the CSV file and Excel. Excel may not correctly recognize the UTF-8 encoding of the file, resulting in the incorrect display of accented characters.


To correct this fault, follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the downloaded CSV file on your computer

  2. Right-click on the file

  3. Click Open with

  4. Click Notepad

  5. In notepad, click File in the top menu

  6. Click on Save as

  7. In the save window, change the Encoding to ANSI

  8. Click the Save button

  9. If prompted to replace the file, click Yes

After following these steps, open the file again in Excel. The accented characters will be displayed correctly.

The steps described were carried out in Windows 11.

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