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Register, edit or delete student, student profile and company

  1. Student

  2. Student profile

  3. Company



To register a new student, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Students in the main menu

  2. Click on the To Register button icon located in the upper right corner

  3. Fill in the desired fields, the mandatory ones being identified with asterisks (*)

In the E-mail field, we recommend that the registered e-mail address be the corporate one, with the company's domain.

In the Preview field, select the student's visualization type, that is, if he will be able to visualize all trainings (All trainings option), only the trainings he is enrolled in (Only the registered training option) or only the trainings that are in accordance with the profile and the company selected above (According to the profile and the company option).

In the Active field, select the Yes option so that the student, after being registered, can access the platform and training, or the No option so that the student is registered, but cannot access the platform and training. 

  1. Click Save to register the student

Edit or delete

To edit or delete a student, search for them in the search bars by name, CPF, code, e-mail or other available information (we recommend using the registered e-mail).

After clicking on Search and locating the student in the list, click on the Select option, click on the To Change option and on the screen that opens:

  • To edit, change the desired fields and click Save.

  • To delete, click on the 🗑 icon located in the upper right corner.

Student profile


To register new student profiles, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Students in the main menu

  2. Click on the Profile submenu

  3. Click on the To Register button icon located in the upper right corner

  4. Fill in the Profile field with the name of the profile

  5. Click Save to register the profile

Edit or delete

To edit or delete a profile, locate it in the list, click on the Select option, click on the To Change option and on the screen that opens:

  • To edit, change the profile name and click Save.

  • To delete, click on the 🗑 icon located in the upper right corner.



To register companies, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Company in the main menu

  2. Click on the To Register button icon located in the upper right corner

  3. Fill in the desired fields, the mandatory ones being identified with asterisks (*)

In the Approval field, select the Yes option so that the company, after being registered, is able to receive new students registered on the platform, or the No option so that the company is registered, but it is not possible to register new students linked to it.

  1. Click Save to register the company

Edit or delete

To edit or delete a company, locate it in the list, click on the Select option, click on the To Change option and on the screen that opens:

  • To edit, change the desired fields and click Save.

  • To delete, click on the 🗑 icon located in the upper right corner.

When deleting a company, registered students linked to it will also be deleted. 


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