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Create, edit or delete instructor

Instructors are responsible for delivering the content of a course, guiding participants and ensuring that the learning objectives are achieved, acting as facilitators in the teaching process.

In Kubo, an instructor can be registered with student or administrator access:

  • Instructor with student access: their activities are limited to viewing courses in the student view of the platform.

  • Instructor with administrator access: can carry out all instruction-related activities in the platform's administrator view.

The main activities carried out by instructors with administrator access include:

  • Managing online/asynchronous trainings modules and correcting activities;

  • Managing in-person/synchronous trainings;

  • Releasing trainings from tracks;

  • Answering questions asked during webinars.


To register an instructor, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Administration in the main menu

  2. Click on the Instructors submenu

  3. Click on the To Register button icon in the top right-hand corner

  4. Fill in the necessary fields as instructed below:

Full Name (mandatory)

Enter the instructor's first and last name.

Description (mandatory)

Enter a brief description of the instructor's responsibilities.

E-mail (mandatory)

Enter the instructor's corporate e-mail address.


Enter the instructor's official identification number, if desired.


Enter the instructor's telephone and/or cell phone number, if desired.

Company (mandatory)

Select the company to which the instructor will be linked.

They will only be able to view or carry out actions related to the selected company.


Select the instructor's department, if desired.

They will only be able to view or carry out actions related to the selected department.

Profile (mandatory)

Select the profile linked to the instructor.

They will only be able to view or perform actions related to the selected profile.

Work Function

Select the instructor's work function, if desired.

They will only be able to view or perform actions related to the selected work function.


Set the platform display language for the instructor.

The language can be changed at any time.


Select Yes so that the instructor receives the password by e-mail automatically when they register, or No to register the instructor without giving them immediate access to the platform.


Select the Yes option to grant access to the administrator view, or the No option to limit access to the student view.

  1. Click Save to register the instructor

After registering the instructor, you can link an image to represent them, as instructed below:

  1. Return to the Instructors submenu

  2. Locate the desired instructor

  3. Click on the Select option

  4. Click on the Register the Image option in the list

  5. Upload the image respecting the accepted formats

To edit the registration or delete an instructor, locate it in the list, click on the Select option, click on the To Change option and on the screen that opens:

  • To edit, change the desired fields and click Save.

  • To delete, click on the 🗑 icon located in the upper right corner.


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