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Register, edit, delete or sort microlearning cards


To register cards in a microlearning, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Trainings on the main menu

  2. Click on the Microlearning submenu

  3. Search for the desired microlearning in the Research bar in the upper right corner

  4. Click on the name of the desired microlearning

On the next screen, you can view the list of cards registered for the respective microlearning, with the name, type, status and date.

  1. Click on the button icon of the desired type to perform the registration, whether Audio, Image or Video

  2. Enter the name of the microlearning card in the Card field

  3. Select the desired option in the Activation field, being that Enabled the microlearning card will be registered and will be available for enrollments and Disabled the microlearning card will be registered, but will not be available for enrollments

  4. Click on Save to register the microlearning card


To edit cards in a microlearning or insert the files according to the type chosen at registration follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Trainings on the main menu

  2. Click on the Microlearning submenu

  3. Search for the desired microlearning in the Research bar in the upper right corner

  4. Click the name of the desired microlearning

  5. Look for the desired microlearning card in the Research bar in the upper right corner

  6. Click on the icon ✎

  7. Change the desired fields or insert the files according to the type chosen in the registration

When the file is uploaded according to the type chosen in the registration, you can

  • through the arrow located in the upper right corner of the file icon, delete the file; and

  • through the checkbox located in the upper left corner of the file icon, activate or deactivate the file.

  1. Click Save to record the microlearning card editing


To delete cards in a microlearning, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Trainings on the main menu

  2. Click on the Microlearning submenu

  3. Search for the desired microlearning in the Research bar in the upper right corner

  4. Click the name of the desired microlearning

  5. Look for the desired microlearning card in the Research bar in the upper right corner

  6. Click on the icon 🗑

  7. Click Delete to register the deletion of the microlearning card

Sorting cards

To sort the cards in a microlearning, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Trainings on the main menu

  2. Click on the Microlearning submenu

  3. Search for the desired microlearning in the Research bar in the upper right corner

  4. Click the name of the desired microlearning

  5. Click on the To Sort button located above the listing

  6. Drag the cards to reorder


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