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Register, edit or delete press release


To register press releases to the desired recipients, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Communications on the main menu

On the next screen, you will see the list of releases, with the ID, the title, the entry date (when it started) and the exit date (when it will expire).

  1. Click on the To Register button icon located in the upper right corner

  2. Fill in the required fields (all are mandatory) as instructed below:

Notice Title

Enter the title of the release.


Enter the message that you want to convey in the press release.

Select a recipient

Select the recipient of the communication. When making the desired selection, new fields will be enabled for completion.

Date for submission and availability

Enter the date when the announcement will start to be seen by recipients.

Time for submission and availability

Enter the time when the announcement will start to be viewed by recipients.

Removal date

Enter the date when the announcement will no longer be seen by recipients.

Removal time

Enter the time when the announcement will no longer be seen by recipients.

Want to add an image?

Check the option to attach an image to the press release or keep the box unchecked to not send.

When checking the option, upload the image respecting the accepted formats.

  1. Click Save to register the release registration

Edit or delete

To edit or delete a press release, locate it in the list, click on the Select option, click on the To Change option, and the screen will open:

  • To edit, change the desired fields and click Save.

  • To delete, click on the 🗑 icon located in the upper right corner.


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